Sacred Mountain Retreat

Tantra Unveiled

through the Feminine

by Shantara Mu Khalsa

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$15.00 each


Tantra is in essence a feminine path, an inner sacred and secret teaching which needs no outer structure. Here is a personal and passionate revelation of an enlightened yogini who has lived as a Tantrika all her life. Going beyond the limitations of religions and hierarchy, Whitecloud gives a much needed freshness and new face to Tantra as a path to Liberation?

Understanding Tantra
My Initiation into the Tantric Path
Transforming Life through Tantra
Relationship and Consort Practice
Tantra and the New Age
Tibetan Buddhist Tantra
Refinement and Transmutation in Consort Practice
Techniques and Skillful Means
Intermediate or Generation Stage Practices
Advanced Practice and Integration


Understanding Tantra: Chapter 1 of Tantra Unveiled

December, 2015 by Shantara Khalsa

Tantra is a complete spiritual path that culminates in liberation and transcendence of all that limits us as human beings. Tantra is the existence of manifest creation itself. To be able to hold our personal energy and at the same time to blend totally with another field of consciousness and energy knowing that all is One, this is tantra. This becomes a dance between the form and formless, and we could not exist without it. Yet seldom is this magic used in a conscious way. read more


My Initation into the Tantric Path: Chapter 2 of Tantra Unveiled

January, 2016 by Shantara Khalsa

My initial tantric initiation took me to a place where I was far removed from the everyday dramas of other people. My goal in life to be liberated from the wheel of birth and death set me on a very alone journey to self-mastery. This has been for me one of the greatest blessings of the tantric path. My beloved and I say now to others when they speak of difficulties with aloneness, that aloneness is 'all-one' without the extra 'L' which stands for Love. We grow to learn to be happy... read more


Transforming Life through Tantra: Chapter 3 of Tantra Unveiled

February, 2016 by Shantara Khalsa

I am blessed to say that I write this from direct personal experience, rather than from anyone else’s perspective or from within the flavored context of religious scriptures and writings. Tantra was given to me totally in the raw, there was no buffer of dialogue or organization and that is how I see it remaining as an eternal mystical path. read more

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