Sacred Mountain Retreat

Heroes of Pachamama

Each article is written about someone who is making a difference in our world. Pachamama is the name of Great Mother, our Earth as used in parts of South America.

Earth Liberation Front

August, 2013 by Narayana

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Evo Morales

August, 2013 by Amrita

Evo Morales is my hero for Panchamama, being the first world President to pass the Law of the Rights of Mother Earth. This law recognizes our sacred Mother Earth, and all beings in her, as a living entity with equal legal rights as human beings. read more

Indigenous People of this Earth

August, 2013 by Kevin Matz

My Hero(s) for Panchamama, are the indigenous people of this Earth who Truly live a life connected to the Mother, day in and day out. Never taking a break from the lives they live, tilling the soil and planting the seeds year after year. Always in such a beautiful dance with Panchamama, treating Her the way She should be treated always and constantly honoring her and giving thanks. read more

Jadab Payeng

August, 2013 by Akash Kapil

My earth hero is Jadab Payeng. Over 30 years ago, he began planting a jungle on a barren sandbar in Brahmaputra, Assam, India. In 1979, he was 16 years old. A storm washed a large group of snakes up onto the sandbar, and they all died in the intense heat. The snakes died in the heat, without any tree cover. I sat down and wept over their lifeless forms. It was carnage. I alerted the forest department and asked them if they could grow trees there. They said nothing would grow there. Instead, they asked me to try growing bamboo. It was painful, but I did it. read more

Jane Goodall

August, 2013 by Manisha

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Paul Paur

August, 2013 by Ananda Dev

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Paul Stemets

August, 2013 by Jill Schafer

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Paul Watson

August, 2013 by Shantara Mu

My hero for Panchamama is Paul Watson who is the Co Founder of the Eco Warrior organization SEA SHEPHERD. This warrior is totally fearless, passionate, puts his life on the line at all times, and has created an invincible movement of people who go to sea to protect and defend. He has reduced the slaughter of whales by the Japanese whaling fleet by half. read more

Richard Barry Dolphin Project

August, 2013 by Lianna Hardy

For the love of Dolphins, Richard O’Barry’s Dolphin Project aims to stop dolphin slaughter and exploitation around the world. In the 1960's he trained Flipper ( a popular TV series), who died in his arms.  This allowed him to realize that capturing, training dolphins to perform was just wrong.  From that moment on he knew what direction his life would take, he launch a campaign against the multi-million dollar dolphin captivity industry. read more

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