About Sacred Mountain Retreat Center
by March, 2002
Sacred Mountain retreat is an Ascended Masters retreat. It was built under the conscious direction and grace of numerous Masters of the Eternal light. These masters chose this land and chose us to bring it into manifestation. We were asked to go to the USA from New Zealand to complete this project.
The building of this outer retreat of the Ascended Masters is historically a great event, heralding in New beginnings. Retreats that carried this knowledge and wisdom were withdrawn into the etheric body of our earth after the fall of Atlantis.
Since then the teachings have been secretive and available only to a select few adepts who continued to incarnate. Some of these adepts have become fully ascended and joined the ONE eternal body of light that guides the evolution of this planet and the souls upon her.
The ascended masters 'etheric' retreats are located in sacred vortexes around the earth and they hold the connection to source of the ONE light and continue to be places where inner activations and initiations are experienced.
Unfortunately, because of the dualistic consciousness of most people on the earth, these places have also become places of conflict and battle for personal power becoming grounds where karmic scenarios are repeated.
Each master who has completed their personal ascension from the earth plane, adding their light to the ONE, has kept that light alive through their eternal connection to the adepts and initiates of this light.
To our knowledge Crestone's Sacred Mountain retreat, is the first of these outer retreats to be built at this great pivotal time, when people must choose to grow into an enlightened existence to remain on this earth with all the other beings who make up the earth.
Crestone is one of the "Golden Cities" where the eternal light can expand out from, and where the ascended body can be fully "made manifest" for the incoming GOLDEN AGE.
This retreat held within Virochana and Shantara's energy serves to help spiritually train and prepare souls in the ascension work. Becoming familiar with and communion with the Ascended masters is an integral piece of this development.
Sacred Mountain Retreat Center is on 40 acres in Crestone, Colorado, bordering national forest land. We sit at the foot of majestic 14,000-foot mountains that are alive, in the same way the Himalayas are spiritually potent.
Currently there is our house, five masterful horses (about to be six!), a retreat cabin and yurt, a 26-foot geodesic meditation dome, and garden. Those coming for teachings live in the nearby yogi or yogini houses. No drugs are allowed in this sacred atmosphere.
The land is 8,100 feet in elevation.
Our water comes from a deep well, and has a vibrant clarity.
Electricity is provided by solar panels.
Yurt, Solar Panels, Meditation Dome, and Retreat Cabin

Our retreat center and land was chosen by several Ascended Masters and is overseen by their ongoing activity. This is a sacred place where all who come are able to receive direct activations from the ascended body, according to each person's level of spiritual development and timing. It is a privilege to be able to stay in this pure meditative environment.
This center is not a part of any religion or organized dharma. It is a place dedicated to the One Light that pervades all humanity.
This is a practice orientated place, and thus its primary service is in teaching the practices and helping those who are ready to awaken into the fullness of their being as self-realized and radiant masters free from the limitations or restrictions imposed by external religions, dharmas and social conditioning.