Sacred Mountain Retreat

Results for search on 'shantara'

Resurrection of Earth and HuMan


Image for Resurrection of Earth and HuMan


Tantra Unveiled


Image for Tantra Unveiled


The Way of the Goddess


Image for The Way of the Goddess



About Virochana and Shantara

March, 2002 by Shantara Mu

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About Sacred Mountain Retreat Center

March, 2002 by Shantara Mu

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Transforming Life through Tantra: Chapter 3 of Tantra Unveiled

February, 2016 by Shantara Khalsa

I am blessed to say that I write this from direct personal experience, rather than from anyone else’s perspective or from within the flavored context of religious scriptures and writings. Tantra was given to me totally in the raw, there was no buffer of dialogue or organization and that is how I see it remaining as an eternal mystical path. read more


The Ascension Path

July, 2002 by Shantara

Ascension is all about self mastery, gained through ancient proven practises integrated from many spiritual traditions. t is an unlimited approach not bound within any one perspective, limited mindset, or teaching read more


Tantric School of Meru and Mu

July, 2002 by Shantara and Virochana

The planetary tantric school is one of the original forms of the ascended consciousness on this Earth. Its origins are held in the universal wisdom of the eternal light. That light when fully embodied in the physical is called the Eternal ascended body which may still seen with the physical eye. This light was bought onto earth by a united force of cosmic masters that to this day are still active in implementing the divine evolutionary plan for hu-mans and earth herself. read more


Streams of Consciousness

May, 2013 by Shantara Khalsa

From the unified field of eternal consciousness, the light of awareness constantly pours forth knowledge, understandings and skills that release one from ignorance regarding the origin and purpose of creation itself. read more


Sacred Transmission from the Eternal Masters

November, 2008 by Shantara Mu Khalsa

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Sacred Journeys

March, 2002 by Shantara

We have been involved in ongoing sacred journey work for as long as we have been conscious of a spiritual destiny. I have traveled in this way for several decades. If you have read any of my books you will know I consider this work with the earth an integral part of any spiritual path. I cannot emphasize enough the benefits and wisdom gained when we are graced by the knowledge of divine mother to move in sacredness on the earth. read more


Paul Watson

August, 2013 by Shantara Mu

My hero for Panchamama is Paul Watson who is the Co Founder of the Eco Warrior organization SEA SHEPHERD. This warrior is totally fearless, passionate, puts his life on the line at all times, and has created an invincible movement of people who go to sea to protect and defend. He has reduced the slaughter of whales by the Japanese whaling fleet by half. read more



August, 2013 by Amrita and Shantara

We are all part of Mother Earth, an indivisible, living community of interrelated and interdependent beings with a common destiny. read more


Newsletter #2

September, 2004 by Virochana and Shantara

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My Initation into the Tantric Path: Chapter 2 of Tantra Unveiled

January, 2016 by Shantara Khalsa

My initial tantric initiation took me to a place where I was far removed from the everyday dramas of other people. My goal in life to be liberated from the wheel of birth and death set me on a very alone journey to self-mastery. This has been for me one of the greatest blessings of the tantric path. My beloved and I say now to others when they speak of difficulties with aloneness, that aloneness is 'all-one' without the extra 'L' which stands for Love. We grow to learn to be happy... read more


Introduction to the Ascended Masters

March, 2002 by Shantara and Virochana

The Ascended Masters are diverse and numerous. They are all fully enlightened beings who maintain a consciousness that instructs and uplifts unenlightened beings. From the state of enlightenment one begins to understand the beginning of the journey of ascension. read more


Horse Yoga

April, 2016 by Shantara Mu

One of the Great Blessings of Crestone and our backyard from Sacred Mountain Retreat, in Colorado, is that it is truely Heaven for horses, NO fences and endless miles of wilderness, freedom to just to get on your horse and ride!! Great sand, dirt and trails along and up the mountains, by the rivers, and thru the Aspen&#39;s, pines, pinons, and neighborhood dirt roads. So few people and ssoo much quiet space. <br/> Yoga is communion, the linking of spirit and matter, body soul, connected to the wholeness of Great Mother&#39;s body, air water fire plants soil, all her life abundant everlasting and a gift to us HUman. Energy is consciousness and consciousness is LOVE, we are all that, big and small, finite, infinite. read more


First Newsletter Mar 2002

March, 2002 by Shantara and Virochana

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Dragons of the Planetary Tantric School

August, 2011 by Shantara Mu Khalsa

Many dragons have always been dragons in their own evolutionary line. Many are also advanced yogis taking form as dragons, who will retake form as human again for full ascension in the human evolutionary line. The dragons of the One oversee the planetary grids, earth temples, portals to other star realms, sacred sites, blessing all of this in unseen ways. read more


Bringing the Dream to Reality

July, 2004 by Shantara Mu Khalsa

A potent and vital side of a person’s spiritual nature is idealism, manifesting strongly through childhood into young adult hood. Though idealism often bursts forth without the wisdom of experience, it is sourced from the perfection of the light that believes in the higher divine dreams where ones highest potential and awareness is stimulated from. This dreamtime, is often veiled by unenlightened energies, and becomes difficult to recall most of the time when one is caught up in mundane daily existence, without enlightened parents, meditation or an exceptional spiritual destiny. read more


Bringing in the Solar Disc for Planetary Changes

July, 2016 by Shantara Mu Khalsa

This Eternal knowledge is held within the Christed body the body of Yogi or yogini, whom resides within the central channel, freed from the illusions and karmic actions based from the dual nature where the mind is in the battlefield of self-preservation and self-righteousness, and weakness. read more


Ascension Path Distinctions

April, 2016 by Shantara Mu Khalsa

The Ascension Path bows only to love, the ONE light from the central Sun RA, which sustains and nourishes Terra, earth, and thus is nourished in return. read more


An Introduction to AraMu and Meru

March, 2002 by Shantara

Included in the family of the Ascended Masters who are of the ONE body-mind-heart there is the cosmic couple AraMu and Meru. Mu is the feminine and Meru the Masculine. I have always called her Mu though she is also called Aramu or Amaru. Mu and Meru are great cosmic masters who oversaw many events on our Earth from the time of Lemuria. I have been with them many times on our Earth and refer to them as my Mother and Father. I first became fully conscious of their presence and light in my life when Meru appeared to me in my home when I was approximately 14 years of age. read more


A Wonderful Story To Bring In the New Year - 2004

January, 2004 by Shantara Mu Khalsa

Christmas time for us has always been a sacred time. It is for us a time to leave mass consciousness and go within to receive the spiritual blessings that abound.Christmas is the end of another yearly episode and the moment of shifting into the incoming renewal. It is an opportune time to view ones lifestream and consciously invite the blessings of perception and determination to change that which needs to change so as one can continue to move forwards stronger than ever before with spiritual integration in the physical challenges. read more


2012 The Collective Divine Awakening

February, 2012 by Shantara

It is vital that people interested in becoming an initiate/practitioner within this Eternal Earth School understand the importance of living on Sacred ground with awareness. Many of the Earth&#8217;s Sacred Temples that have stood for tens of thousands of years as places of prayer/activation/healing/transmission have now become places where ordinary unenlightened people come to build housing developments and tourist spots, and no spiritual preparation is asked of them, no spiritual education given before they enter into these Sacred grounds. read more


About Crestone, Colorado

March, 2002 by Shantara Mu

The majestic and protective Sangre De Christos mountain range, towering over 14,000&#39;, sits above the valley as a part of the great spine of the Rocky Mountain range. These mountains above Crestone act as a portal of Shambhalla bringing the Eternal Light of divine grace into the land. The majestic and protective Sangre De Christos mountain range, towering over 14,000&#39;, sits above the valley as a part of the great spine of the Rocky Mountain range. These mountains above Crestone act as a portal of &#34;Shambhalla&#34; bringing the Eternal Light of divine grace into the land. read more


Our Horse Ashram

July, 2012 by Shantara

From the beginnings of our retreat, the masters told us Horses would be a very important aspect of the ascension retreat. We did not know at that time, just how important these amazing, animals would BE for all who were to be blessed by these four-legged teachers. Alladin (doorway to heaven) was the horse who truly anchored this ashram over the years we were blessed by his presence. He showed us early on how He had the ability to go back and forth between hu-man, and animal form... read more


Understanding Tantra: Chapter 1 of Tantra Unveiled

December, 2015 by Shantara Khalsa

Tantra is a complete spiritual path that culminates in liberation and transcendence of all that limits us as human beings. Tantra is the existence of manifest creation itself. To be able to hold our personal energy and at the same time to blend totally with another field of consciousness and energy knowing that all is One, this is tantra. This becomes a dance between the form and formless, and we could not exist without it. Yet seldom is this magic used in a conscious way. read more


Where is the New Energy for the Incoming Dispensation of Light?

November, 2003 by Shantara Mu Khalsa

To succeed in these clearings one must be willing to see and face all the forces at work in ones life, and victory is assured in the embrace of ONES true self as an eternal being of light, in service to that light. read more


A Student's Journey To Sacred Mountain

March, 2011 by Yachay

Another student here asked me, “So how did you find out about Sacred Mountain?” Of course, it is a story of synchronicity. It is very clear that each step of each journey that has led me to Sacred Mountain has a Divinely organized blueprint. Upon replaying these sequences of events, it easy to see and feel the strong currents of overlighting Guidance that have woven together this sacred tapestry of Destiny. Yes, it feels like an unavoidable pre-ordained connection that has precipitated my arrival at the doorstep of Virochana and Shantara. read more

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