Sacred Mountain Retreat

Results for search on 'yoga'

Cultivating a Body of Nectar


Image for Cultivating a Body of Nectar


Eternal Yoga


Image for Eternal Yoga


The Way of the Goddess


Image for The Way of the Goddess



Awakening Beyond the Mind with Eternal Yoga

January, 2016 by Virochana Khalsa

Eternal Yoga, a term given to me at the end of a winter retreat in the Himalayas, is a set of practices where we go above our head to discover our eternal nature beyond conceptualization and individuality, while at the same time increasing our individual definition. This brings forth a conscious continuum where we know for ourselves what is our spirit, our soul, and the weaving into our embodiment. read more


Horse Yoga

April, 2016 by Shantara Mu

One of the Great Blessings of Crestone and our backyard from Sacred Mountain Retreat, in Colorado, is that it is truely Heaven for horses, NO fences and endless miles of wilderness, freedom to just to get on your horse and ride!! Great sand, dirt and trails along and up the mountains, by the rivers, and thru the Aspen&#39;s, pines, pinons, and neighborhood dirt roads. So few people and ssoo much quiet space. <br/> Yoga is communion, the linking of spirit and matter, body soul, connected to the wholeness of Great Mother&#39;s body, air water fire plants soil, all her life abundant everlasting and a gift to us HUman. Energy is consciousness and consciousness is LOVE, we are all that, big and small, finite, infinite. read more


Kriya, Eternal Yoga and Tantra

July, 2002 by Virochana

Kundalini Kriya Yoga, Eternal Yoga, and the Tantras is what is practiced within the retreat center, and thus taught to those who are sincere. One of the graces, within this center, is how it is taught through a balance of masculine and feminine approach. read more


Summer Teaching Program Crestone 2016 - Kriya, Tantra, Eternal Yoga

March, 2016

This year we are going to have two intensives, each lasting for 2 weeks. Some people will want to participate in both of them, keeping the application alive, as well as any classes in-between. These have the potential to be a life changing occurrence, as well as the joy of spiritual application. We will cover a lot of ground, ranging from basics to advanced understandings including establishing a kriya practice, the foundations of tantra, attuning to the nectar consciousness in the body, opening a transformative awareness in the earth, and awakening into eternal yoga through practices above the head. read more


Poem on Kriya Yoga

July, 2008 by Arinaya

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The Essence of Kriya

February, 2016 by Virochana Khalsa

Kriya is an active synthesis of breath, visualization, mental focus, repetition, discipline, internal alchemy, a good nature, and posture to internalize our awareness. In contrast to a passive approach, which also has its place, kriya charges and directs the current of your mind and breath, which keeps you engaged as you ride it into a deeper centering of presence. read more


Journey to the Eternal Grace Light

March, 2009 by Dhaya Dorje

In Ati yoga, the first level of transformation is toward the rainbow body. It is working with the essence of the five elements and the knowledge of your primordial nature. Many yogis have reached such a realization. Then we have the great transfer that only a few yogis, such as Guru Rimpoche and Vimalamitra, have realized. Vallalar’s realization is a little different but the base is the same: realize and be in your primordial state, express the Compassion emanating from your real nature, and be open to receive the Grace Light. This is working with the white and golden lights. read more


Sacred Mountain Retreat

August, 2011 by Narayana

The term retreat, understood within the limited framework of social consciousness, is not what I am addressing here. The retreat I am here to share about is not a publicly known retreat, open to the masses, to do morning yoga sets and spend some time away from the world to unwind, later to return refreshed and ready for more. No, this retreat represents much more, and one can merely attempt to describe the indescribable with words. read more

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