Sacred Mountain Retreat

Sacred Mountain Retreat
Newsletter # 1 Mar 2002

by Shantara and Virochana March, 2002

Dear Readers,

Hello, and blessings in the light from Whitecloud and Virochana. We are happy to bring our first general newsletter to all of you who have expressed interest in what we are doing. This also goes out to those of you wanting to be on our mailing list from the enlightened-feminine web site.

It is now appropriate timing for us to engage in this way as we are only really now set up enough to run our spiritual center. As some of you know Virochana has in the past six years become a master builder, electrician, plumber, solar energy expert, and laborer, (not mentioning web site designer and programmer, publisher, and tonic herbs), all whilst strengthening on all levels his capacity as a spiritual leader. I have played a small part in all this building not always enjoying it. I am now grateful that we had to do it this way, and learned how much it takes to do something of meaningful excellence on the earth plane. I also understand the saying that if you want something done properly, you are better to do it yourself, or at least be there every step of the way. Now in this newsletter I have the opportunity to thank those young students and associates who came and stayed and helped to build and whose love and service is still felt by us when we walk around the retreat. For those of you who helped and grew in this way, we trust you will continue to be with us spiritually.

Currently on the Retreat here in Crestone we have a beautiful private straw bale home, solar power, 300ft well for our water, a well used hot-tub, a superb 28ft dome meditation and practice temple, a fully self contained cabin, a great self contained 16ft yurt, a horse stall, hayshed and tack room for our three masterful horses, a tepee and sweat lodge which bring more sacredness to our land, a sacred fire circle and a 60ftx60ft fenced garden.

This year we plan to add a greenhouse and landscaping projects. Also we plan to build a four-bedroom practice home for students on land nearby. I am happy to say that most of the future labor for all this will not be done by Virochana; he must now focus on teaching and promoting our books and hopefully getting some videos completed.

All the development we have achieved has bought us to a place of being able to focus more on our teaching work and establishing a Tantric School. By the unending Grace of the Masters and our hard work we feel free and happy to be in this position.

The timing as it is in all spiritual works is held under the divine perfection, and we can say for us that mobilizing of our teaching work was launched fully last September whilst in Peru with Lord Meru and Aramu.

We have known since shortly after coming together on the harmonic convergence in 1987 that our planetary work would unfold under the directives of Lord Meru and his twinray Aramu. There has been much transmission and prophecy revealed during the past 14 years. Because of our interwoven link with them and the mandala of the ascended masters who initiated and have participated in holding our tantric mandala on the earth, we call them our Divine father and Mother. They were and still are the ascended couple most active in bringing forth our Tantric school.

In Peru we were shown how to set up our teachings and asked to bring forth the school of advanced learning for the Hu-Man. I was directed to write a small booklet about the spiritual momentum taking place and how the time of great changes is upon us.

From here we were asked to go to New Zealand to find the land that was the site of our temple and school in Lemuria, and told we would purchase this land in the near future. We left for New Zealand on the day we were told to leave and arrived in the country of my birth in November.

Every day was filled with transmission and grace and profound unfolding. I no longer felt as though I was in New Zealand we were in Lemuria and were reopening the lei line through the mountains and sacred sites that were open at the time of Lemuria. We were participating with and transforming numerous lei lines to help bring in the new energy through the planet. We were connecting up with other countries through the earth grid.

Virochana during this time fully left the planet and Mahavatar stepped into his body to keep his vital functions from going off line. This allowed Virochana to fully bring onto the planet the fullness of who he is and the aspect bought in has never been able to be here fully before now. It was an event that was thought impossible to achieve spiritually, yet we witnessed this and Mahavatar stayed in and out of Virochana’s body over a few weeks. We have seen the impossible become the possible and have seen the miracles occur. During this time we watched as Lord Meru literally moved the stars in the heavens so as to allow the destiny of certain souls be changed for the speeding up of their spiritual victory. We stand in bliss and humbleness to have been participants of these events over 2 months in New Zealand. This reopening the grid lines was necessary so as Lord Meru could step into the planet with Aramu on December 31st which they did.

The Tantric school we are opening is unique as it is held under twin-ray energy and will facilitate the bringing together of this enlightened energy onto the planet. This energy is greatly needed so as more beings can serve the light from the space of being karma free. This direct service to the earth and Humanity is achieved by being in the ascended body. Any soul wishing to become a student of this school under our guidance must make a commitment of four years to the initial training.

We have just returned to Crestone and are planning more sacred journeys in service to the personal, collective and planetary liberation. Weekly classes will start again and regular intensives are planned. We also offer private retreats and would like assistance setting up weekend intensives around the USA. Can you help?

If you feel you want to become a part of what we are doing then we urge you to contact us. The sacred journeys require that people who wish to join us have spent some time doing practices of spiritual growth, and/or are under our guidance.

May all of you who read this awaken to the passion of your spiritual destiny. May the ascended masters bless you in your journey within and towards the ever-expanding perfection. May you bless yourselves and bless all living beings.

Eternally with our love and light,

Whitecloud/Aramu (Shantara) and Virochana

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