Sacred Mountain Retreat
Newsletter # 2 Sep 2004
by September, 2004
Dear Readers,
It has been two years since the last newsletter, relative time becoming less noticeable as the flow of the perfection embraces us in all that we do. Living fully and complete in the divine presence.
Greetings to all of you who have requested to be on our mailing list. It would be nice to hear back from some of you, as most of you I have never met or talked to in the physical.
As an addition to the retreat itself, we now have a wonderful 3000 sq. foot two storey student/yoga house just 10 minutes walk through forest from the retreat itself. It was bought by a blessed student to be of service to the ascended light. The home backs on to a creek; green and peaceful. We added more to the home and opened it up by adding a loft, sliding glass doors and upstairs deck off the very large room which was originally built as a yoga room to teach in! We turned the garage into an additional bedroom and office space. It is only recently built so is modern in design with high ceilings mostly through the house. We plan to do more additions as the finances become available.
In December 2002 we journeyed to Peru again with a larger group of students and it was transformational for all. Peru is officially headquarters for the planetary school, as it is still held under the cosmic force and blessing presence of Lord Meru and his twin-ray Lady Aramu the initiating power of the school in Lemuria.
We will journey there again in April next year with a group of initiates of the school. For those wishing and drawn to attend, an alignment and integrating period of six weeks in Crestone is necessary first.
Virochana and I traveled to New Zealand in March 2003 for one year. It was a long time to be away from the retreat, but necessary for the ongoing spiritual work and alignments through the earth to be stabilized there and for our personal well being.
New Zealand nourishes the soul like no other place; one goes back to source and is held there so effortlessly by the power of the land and the spirits. All this of course is for those who are spiritually awake. Many New Zealanders are just like hobbits and one can feel the connection to the mystical middle earth being right there! It was in the perfection for me to be born there. As the finances and timing is aligned we shall rebuild the community of the school in New Zealand. New Zealand is the energetic alpha point for the new energy of the planet and holds deep ancient mystical secrets.
We returned to the retreat in March regenerated and fuelled for the ever expanding perfection.
We were blessed to go to Banff in May for the Wesak full moon spiritual festival time and held a successful teaching there. We love Canada and the Canadians, and hopefully we can return every year for a while!!
This summer the yoga house is full with “new” faces yet all are of the Masters family!! Most know it, some are still committing and growing towards the ascended light their I AM presence and spiritual potential. Destiny has its own timing and the destiny of these teachings has its own momentum, we enjoy the unfolding every day.
Some will be called and come immediately others will take years to get here, a co-creation of willingness and Grace… All victory to this Eternal family.
Crestone this summer is warm, sunny, and not too hot as the rains are abundant, and all is green – much needed after the last few years when the drought was obvious. The light from Shamballa has stepped up a few notches and the protection around the retreat and over Crestone is stronger.
Crestone is now officially a “dharma zone” on some maps. It is becoming more known, and it attracts many Buddhist teachers, also many so called teachers, who will continue to come and go.
Fortunately we are held apart from the passing show.The mountains and the forces within have always hold the serenity and peace that cannot be disturbed, and a form that cannot be corrupted. SAT NAM.
Such is the GRACE of the ascended light we live in and hold for others coming into this light.
We had a wonderful 10 day camping trip to the Grand Tetons of Wyoming this summer. Next summer we will go with a group of students for a two week camping-retreat in some of the special places here in Colorado, particularly
some remote high altitude meadows and lakes. The Rockies for us are very alive, and we believe will one day be known to more in the same way the Himalayas are today. There exists within this magnificent range eternal flames, unknown yogis (mostly etheric), and awesome non-human beings of light and love.
We are leaving for India in October for three months, more divine unfolding to occur there.
We plan to go to Costa Rica late February next year with a few close ones, to look at setting up a “Tropical Retreat Centre.”
Costa Rica has been shown to us as one of the five original temples for the planetary school, and is called the Temple of Eternal Peace. We feel there is much to unfold there…
If anyone reading this is moved to help in this manifestation financially, we welcome your enquiry for more details from us. How much land we buy will depend on the finances available and thus determine how many homes, etc., can be built.
May your life be filled by the presence of the Divine, and may you be freed from all illusions, to have NO choice knowing you are on earth to live in, and live for the Masters unfolding, and the building of the NEW.
May we all continue to celebrate the light of Love daily, be a blessing presence for all and keep our practice strong!
Whitecloud (Shantara) and Virochana Khalsa