Sacred Mountain Retreat

Ascended Masters

My Two Cents- a Blessing from Hari Baba

June, 2015 by Virochana Khalsa

A few years back we came into the company of the incomparable Hari Baba. He is the guru of Pilot Baba, and while no longer in the physical body, he can project a body that can be seen and touched for a period of time. Pilot Baba writes in his books of how Hari Baba after saving him, or giving him a significant teaching, would always ask for 2 rupees... read more

An Introduction to AraMu and Meru

March, 2002 by Shantara

Included in the family of the Ascended Masters who are of the ONE body-mind-heart there is the cosmic couple AraMu and Meru. Mu is the feminine and Meru the Masculine. I have always called her Mu though she is also called Aramu or Amaru. Mu and Meru are great cosmic masters who oversaw many events on our Earth from the time of Lemuria. I have been with them many times on our Earth and refer to them as my Mother and Father. I first became fully conscious of their presence and light in my life when Meru appeared to me in my home when I was approximately 14 years of age. read more

Dragons of the Planetary Tantric School

August, 2011 by Shantara Mu Khalsa

Many dragons have always been dragons in their own evolutionary line. Many are also advanced yogis taking form as dragons, who will retake form as human again for full ascension in the human evolutionary line. The dragons of the One oversee the planetary grids, earth temples, portals to other star realms, sacred sites, blessing all of this in unseen ways. read more

El Morya and Yeshe Tsogyel

July, 2002 by Virochana

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Introducing the Tantric School of Meru and Mu

May, 2002 by Shantara

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Introduction to the Ascended Masters

March, 2002 by Shantara and Virochana

The Ascended Masters are diverse and numerous. They are all fully enlightened beings who maintain a consciousness that instructs and uplifts unenlightened beings. From the state of enlightenment one begins to understand the beginning of the journey of ascension. read more

Jesus and Mary Magdalene

July, 2002 by Virochana

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Koothumi and Saint Claire

July, 2002 by Virochana

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Lantro and WindSong

July, 2002 by Virochana

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Mahavatar BabaJi and Tara

July, 2002 by Virochana

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Meru and AraMu

July, 2002 by Virochana

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Sacred Transmission from the Eternal Masters

November, 2008 by Shantara Mu Khalsa

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Saint Germain and Lady Nada

July, 2002 by Virochana

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Streams of Consciousness

May, 2013 by Shantara Khalsa

From the unified field of eternal consciousness, the light of awareness constantly pours forth knowledge, understandings and skills that release one from ignorance regarding the origin and purpose of creation itself. read more

Tantric School of Meru and Mu

July, 2002 by Shantara and Virochana

The planetary tantric school is one of the original forms of the ascended consciousness on this Earth. Its origins are held in the universal wisdom of the eternal light. That light when fully embodied in the physical is called the Eternal ascended body which may still seen with the physical eye. This light was bought onto earth by a united force of cosmic masters that to this day are still active in implementing the divine evolutionary plan for hu-mans and earth herself. read more

The Ascended Masters

July, 2002 by Virochana

Ascension is the upliftment and unification of our body, soul and spirit. As we radiantly awaken within the body of oneness, each of us maintains an individual and unique focus. The subtleties of the dynamics of the body of the one dynamically reflect and transmit through our from. Masters easily blend with others, taking on different outward appearances at times, through a dynamic harmony within the body of the one. read more

The Ascension Path

July, 2002 by Shantara

Ascension is all about self mastery, gained through ancient proven practises integrated from many spiritual traditions. t is an unlimited approach not bound within any one perspective, limited mindset, or teaching read more

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