A Wonderful Story To Bring In the New Year - 2004
by January, 2004
Christmas time for us has always been a sacred time. It is for us a time to leave mass consciousness and go within to receive the spiritual blessings that abound.Christmas is the end of another yearly episode and the moment of shifting into the incoming renewal. It is an opportune time to view ones lifestream and consciously invite the blessings of perception and determination to change that which needs to change so as one can continue to move forwards stronger than ever before with spiritual integration in the physical challenges. To do this meditative introspection peace and quiet and time-out with divine mother is best.So we packed up our camping gear into the station wagon and headed to where we were being guided to go. The eastern most points of New Zealand.
We journeyed to sacred springs, and great coastline and relaxed and listened to the inner flow.
After 10 days we came to a small town where I had lived as a young child and I was prompted from within to seek out my family home. My father now passed into the divine Oneness came forth and lovingly gave me the number of the street and talked for a while with me. It was joyous. After finding the home, I was prompted to go around the corner and visit my first worldly school.This school was refreshing, unusual in its obvious extra care and beautiful rose gardens. Still small in a quiet grove with trees and many flowers it felt more like a devic playground with an inner garden like courtyard and even a pagoda for the children to sit and enjoy their lunch and breaks. The peace came from the devas blessings. A large rock with a golden sun emblem marking the new millennium greeted all visitors, with the words ‘first to see the light ’ carved into the sun emblem.
As we quietly walked inside the grounds I looked on the wall of a building that had a large mural painted onto it. We were amazed… The mural had the words. Kiaora (Welcome) Colorado 1996, and a painting of mountains.
That was the year we were asked by the masters to go to the southwest and build the ascension retreat! There right in front of us was a great sign that even then as a young child it was known by the masters that I would move to USA in 1996! I felt such gratitude, such safety, and totally validated in my trust and movements under the masters loving inner guidance.
Then as we were leaving we saw a carved wooden sign saying Elgin School established 1955. That was the year I started school!
I couldn’t help but feel that somehow the divine had made certain that I would have the perfect school to enter into, as I began my journey into the world. Lovingly cared for and protected by so many wonderful souls every step of the way. I was a very sensitive aware child and my beloved masters made certain I would not be harmed.
I carry a prayer that all the young innocent blessed children be protected as I was
It is you may know, our great wish and divinely guided mission is to establish a temple/school/community in New Zealand where the eternal spiritual principles can be introduced to the children at a very young age, so they do not lose sight of who they are as souls. We have a responsibility to the incoming generation of light bearers and divine mother to leave our earth in a better condition than it is now.
The more we keep the light alive within ourselves and children, the quicker we can move forwards in a world where peace love and spiritual wisdom is everywhere evident. So for me this year has begun with the deepest sense of renewal and peace and joy of the divine plan unfolding. I trust and wish for you all reading this that it somewhat the same for you this year. All glory and victory to the divine plan, to our beloved masters, and to our spiritually empowered destinies.