Where is the New Energy for the Incoming Dispensation of Light?
by November, 2003

Talking with a Bear in Aqua Caliente - Peru (photo by Virochana)
I am sure most of you will agree that this is quite the year of the descending light stimulating the chaos of form. Some will say the Mars transit has a lot to do with this, and that's maybe a factor. This is all part of the larger picture of the perfection playing out.
It seems to me as a result of my own personal experiences and by listening to others whom I am in touch with, that this year is one which is really testing our beliefs that something NEW is possible to anchor through the earth plane.
The new divine blueprint of ONENESS is being challenged by all the semi-conscious forces at work through the inner realms of the earth.
The mass subconscious belief patterns that have created separation, and the light this year has cleared a lot of this old energy, we can all celebrate that we have come thru yet another long tunnel into the light.
“The battle for the inner earth is going on” and that is what sensitive beings are feeling. Yet the light has already won so we are just walking thru the momentum of the already gained victory.
Armageddon is the removal of the mask, the mask of separation and the forces that have put it into place and hold it in place thru political and economic structures are not going to take off the mask without a fight to the death.
The energy does feel like “every man for himself” at times as the noose grows tighter and tighter around the neck of karma. We who carry the NEW energy that will not succumb to fear, judgment and turmoil are having everything thrown at us to compromise.
This year is a great opportunity to clear personal core issues because it is a year filled with confrontation.
To succeed in these clearings one must be willing to see and face all the forces at work in ones life, and victory is assured in the embrace of ONES true self as an eternal being of light, in service to that light.
The individualized ego does not like to be confronted with its limitations, so we must find ways to step back and let the light work through each other’s lives. The more we realize our ONENESS the less we fear failure for we know the light has won, it is just a matter of timing, and it doesn’t have to all happen immediately, that’s taking ourselves off the hook of stress and pushing and competitiveness. The NEW form is very fluid and being fluid is a great freedom.
It is a skill to stand our ground on issues of importance without taking on the karmic battle. We must know whose karmas belong to whom and trust that those we love that we want to see “make it thru” will have all they need under their belts to get thru this time of accelerated learning. We must let go of much and focus on the way forwards…
Those of us who carry the NEW divine blueprint of oneness do not feel comfortable in duality, and are always seeking ways to promote unity and well-being. However, the experiences with the unenlightened forms are difficult and one must be strengthened so as to go beyond being a victim. This takes years of experience here on earth.
The light of our earth shines from the inside out, as does our personal light. The same light, and as the power of the Divine washes away the karmic imprints held inside the earth, so to will the NEW blueprint carried by certain souls be able to shine effortlessly and be welcomed into places of leadership.To hold the NEW through all challenges is difficult at this time, there is still much fear that drives the planetary consciousness. The NEW does not yet hold strong form and is very vulnerable by its pure nature of transparency. It is like a baby needing gentile nurturing and assurance that it will get stronger and the support and systems will be in place for it to flourish. This also means we need to be patient with those around us who all have their own timing, and remember that most are NOT here to be the front liners, so don’t expect much or you can end up very disappointed.In the New Age circles filled with the spiritually motivated there is the wanting of love, the wanting of becoming light, yet everyone knows there is still a long way to go before unity can be actualized.
Often the visionaries are too idealistic expecting support for their lofty visions. However these visions often require monetary assistance to manifest and that’s when all the ideals “go to custard” and dualistic power struggles between the power of the material and the power of the sublime, and it all gets taken down to the mundane. This proves time-and-time again we must await the timing, look after ourselves in the day to day mundane ways, until we are lifted up by GRACE to do greater things, effortlessly and invited and supported.
Our roots must be strong our past present and future all dealt with. We must participate to varying degrees in the current system and USE it to build the NEW. We have to use material power so let us pray that there are enough of us willing to use it to build something that makes sense. If there is enough of us in the “right” places at the “right” time we WILL be able to manifest the new in the most remarkable ways.
The individualized ego does not like to be confronted with its limitations so stepping back to let the light work in people lives is often the best policy. I call this “returning the energy to whom it needs to be cleared from.” The more we realize our power in the ONENESS the less we are anxious and more meditative in our approach to success.
The current world climate of accelerating greed, distrust, consumption, is a symptom of the dis-ease getting critical. The dis-ease will get a lot worse before it gets better. It is a type of madness similar to that of lemmings.
top dog on this earth, we are part of a great circle of life and divine mother earth is unleashing her elemental family. Many of these Devic beings have been held captive by the misuse of man’s desires. They are NOW being freed to co-create with those of us awakened to and respectful of their presence and powers.
Mankind will witness as the forces of nature increasingly bring us our biggest wake up calls over the next years, as the purification takes place and the balance of power is restored. Mankind is NOT top dog on this earth, we are part of a great circle of life and divine mother earth is unleashing her elemental family. Many of these Devic beings have been held captive by the misuse of man’s desires. They are NOW being freed to co-create with those of us awakened to and respectful of their presence and powers./p>
Please make certain that the choices you make are taking you forwards towards greater light of Love Joy and liberation, and NOT backwards into the ever contracting circle of fear and spiritual death.
With all our blessings and love for peace and wisdom to prevail.
SELAH. All victory to the beloved ascended light,
Eternally ...