Sacred Mountain Retreat

Living Sanctuaries

October, 2013


Deer Buck next to Deck of our House on Sacred Mountain Retreat We believe that the sanctity of Life is paramount and should be the guiding principle of the whole of society. Given the present condition of sheer idiocy prevalent everywhere on the planet, we have some work to do. Those of us who resonate sensitively to the living fabric of the Earth have the responsibility to speak and act accordingly.


We are committed to protecting and preserving the integrity of natural spaces out of respect for their own inherent value. We do this through strategically purchasing lands, protecting lands through easements and covenants, providing responsible land stewardship, and fostering the regeneration of biodiverse ecosystems.


  • To live in enlightened relationship with our Mother Earth and to be of service to her.
  • To be responsible to the Earth for the repercussions of our actions, thoughts and feelings.
  • To celebrate the immanence of the divine shakti on the planet
  • To respect the pure uncontrived integrity of natural processes
  • To reclaim lands away from disrespectful, disconnected, commerce-driven human cultures so that nature has space to BE

We call forth a world in which the body of the Earth is respected and given the love she deserves.

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