Sacred Mountain Retreat

Peru Journey 2012

by Narayana July, 2012

The Blessings of Peru, of Panchamama herself, are beyond what could ever be put into words, even glanced at, with the outer mind. These Blessings are readily available for those whose Providence is ripe and have the Willing heart, and are here, as warriors, as protectors and keepers of the sacred. I was brought into Peru, through the Grace of my Beloved Teachers and the Masters we serve. Within the embrace of Panchamama, and through the Grace of my Teachers, a quickening was initiated.

peru2012There is a sifting of sorts happening amongst those who are yogis and those who are simply not. The highest and often most challenging things are being brought to light and demanding not only attention, but penetration, healing and completion. For those of who just got back from Peru, we can all agree this is happening.

I can only speak for myself, as everyone’s individual karmas and destiny are unique. Sometimes it is very challenging! Deep currents continue to surface and sometimes I feel all I have is my connection to my Teachers. Their reflections and unseen clearing are a SERVICE, and a Blessing from the Most High. To live with them and serve them is simply Home. NO ONE could ever understand or comprehend the depth of this relationship unless fully immersed in it and EXPERIENCING its Grace, and this of course is a matter of Providence.

To enter into, and remain victorious, amongst these challenges requires quality daily practice including moving lots of energy. My practice entered a new phase with my trip to Peru. There we practiced from 6 – 8 hours a day. Here in Crestone, working a full time job, working the land and taking care of our animals, and training to become a professional hoof care practitioner, allows me less hours to sit, but this is of no issue, as the current and the quality that my practice has entered into is here and will only develop more every day.

peru1In Peru this current was quickened, each day, as I was taken into various sacred sites, pivotal places home to yogic activation. Following is a brief summary of my experiences in various sites.

With our arrival and stay in Cusco, at our friend Lilo’s, I began to feel an influx of energies, some distorted, but most Pure. I knew that the Himalayan Siddhas were going to be with us, but this was the first time I began to feel them in such a palpable way. I began to really experience their presence and potent energy, sometimes as my body. I felt a deep sense of home with these energies.

When we arrived in Pisac, I was overwhelmed with the beauty of the Sacred Valley, such a stark difference in energies compared to the outside of the city. Here I began to feel that myself and the group where constantly with other beings. Though not totally aware of the activations happening, I knew they were, and that very big things were happening for our Planet. We maintained silence for much of time, holding a point of aliveness, maintaining consciousness to integrate the energies.

We left Pisac for Ollyantaytambo, where again, we entered what seemed like another planet. We were asked to be very conscious of what we experienced as we entered this ancient space. There was an incredible contrast of energies I kept feeling, like a darkness and lightness that were weaving about. When asked what I felt, the only way I could summarize it was simply feeling blessed in the middle of a war. This reflected the history of this space, where much healing is needed, where a paradise and the School as well once flourished, but fell. I didn’t feel a deep sense of home here, or history for that matter, which made sense in light of my relationship with the School, destined to become One with it for the first time.

peru2When we started for Lake Titicaca, I felt a potency building. As we traveled up through the valley, I began to feel an incredible Purity over come my being. This is the first place I started to really become aware of the Presence of the Dragons. The untouched height of this valley had such an elemental purity, that I was almost breathless. It was a Devic kingdom, alive and dancing in ecstatic union. It was Pure. A Purity I had never felt in this life. I could have sat there forever. We came together and paid homage to Panchamama, the Dragons and other elementals, and our Beloved Masters, for Being. Joy filled tears filled my eyes and we all came together, in Purity, to manifest the School’s rightful place again on this Earth. It was here I was gifted the indescribable Presence of the Transformational Yogi, an amazing Master, now very involved with the manifestation of the School and our retreat in particular. It was a Purity that even surpassed the land I was in, but was at one with at the same time. Truly remarkable. Such a Blessing to have the Unifying force of the Himalayan siddhas, joining the Schools Providence.

Once arriving at the Lake, the Feminine was in full command. I was being carried ever so softly in the Divine womb of Panchamama herself. It seemed to be the polar opposite of energies I am at home within in the rugged yet Pure and ever so beautiful mountains of Colorado. Being in constant practice, practically full-on retreat, was for me incredible and where I love to BE. Feeling the yogis’ continuous presence, like doing practice in an auditorium filled with enlightened beings, was such a Blessing. Such sacred things shared here with my Beloved teachers, things to sacred to speak of. To glimpse the scope of what work was being done for the Earth and all who share her Providence, could never be described.

peru3At Sillustani, I again felt a deep history, and an overall peace. This place, very special to my Teachers, had beautiful stone work. I was immediately drawn to the coast of the lake on the right side, where a very special structure stood. As I approached this structure I was stopped at its base, the feeling of energy being projected from above into my body. I sat there for some time. As I walked away, just in time as a worker started to whistle at me to get back “where we were supposed to be”, I began to lose my ability to walk and felt very sick. I knew it was a purification happening and that I needed to go lay by this other structure, what seemed to be the polarity of the spot I was just at. I layed upon the Earth in prayer for some time.
A wonderful place, unfortunately now quite polluted by the 2 leggeds.

We journeyed by boat to Amantani Island, the highest elevation island on Earth. A place so special, so powerful, I felt like I needed to spend weeks there. Not a single car on this ancient Island, where the people live simply, in one of the most beautiful places I have ever imagined. I could feel a deep yogic history here, as I meditated at both peaks, overlooking the vast Lake. I could sense I would one day be traveling back to this place.

Our last place to enter was Machu Picchu. Our late arrival there was an interesting one, as we entered what looked like a party town, not anything close to what I was expecting. The town was FULL of 2 leggeds, ignorant to the source of their existence and walking around asleep to this sacred place. A few of us went to Machu Pichu peak at day break, and ascended this beautiful mountain before the tourists where out, and we meditated. Immeresed in a cloud forest, my breath taken as the sun evaporated the clouds around us, suspending us in a view so magnificent, I was literally forced to sit. We sat here for some time in awe of the beauty, until the tourists ascended, and even starting drinking and smoking.

peru4I give thanks for my time in Peru; so very special. By the time we left Machu Picchu I was ready to get home to our animals, our dear conscious 4 leggeds that I live for. I see clearly the importance of traveling to Peru and sacred sites in general, within the Enlightened Light and I pay homage to the Beloved Consciousness, the Light of this Earth and all of the beings who serve within this light.

This is a pivotal time on this planet. Such a gift to be a yogi! To be clear amongst the castles burning and statues crumbling is simply Bliss. With every thing that comes to the surface for healing and completion, is simply another victory! As I witness my outer personality dying, and emerge continuously victorious, I am ultimately witnessing the death of death. Death to the limited stranglehold of social consciousness and all limiting energies that keep me from manifesting the Highest Light.

To continuously dissolve all things that limit and bind oneself is yoga—these words from My Beloved Master Virochana, spoken to us at Lake Titicaca, are with me every moment of every day. Anything other than this is simply not. It may be nice, but if it is not the continuous Victory applied on all fronts at all times, then in essence, its is not.

May your practice grow, every day. May you Bless this Earth and live in Sacredness at all times.

This YOGA will require everything of you! The Earth is in need of this co evolution of the yogis. We are here for this purpose.

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